Why Your Restaurant Needs a Mobile App

Mobile Food Orderingfood-ordering

It’s easy to draw the Monday nFood Orderingight crowd when you have a mobile app working for you. Check-in specials, loyalty rewards, and real-time menu updates grow your customer base and keep them coming back for seconds.

Offering a mobile food ordering app for your restaurant is just good business.Statistics show that customers order more often from businesses that offer apps, and when they do order,they order more.

Mobile App Ordering is a simple and effective way for restaurants to start taking orders through their mobile app. With delivery & takeout options, payment through the app, and a customized menu with add-ons and pricing options, you have full control.

Mobile ordering, especially with a credit card, allows for impulse buying and higher price points, in turn leading to higher revenue.

The best thing about mobile ordering with the app is the convenience and ease of use encourages customers to keep ordering.

  • 70% of restaurateurs think mobile food ordering is an“up-and-coming” innovation.
  • 40% of customers have already placed an order for food online or from a mobile app.
  • 50% or more of customers order more food when they order through an app.

Mobile food ordering perfects the buying cycle allowing restaurant owners to leverage their customers’ time instead of their employees. Plus, when customers order, they’re not considering price. Because of the convenience, they just want their food to be delivered quickly.

Loyalty Programs7iphone-6-loyalty

Allow users to have an in-app version of a traditional stamp card. Rather than pulling out the hole-puncher or scribbling an easy-to-forge symbol, the vendor punches the secret code into the customer’s phone to add a “stamp.” Once users have reached the required number of “stamps,” they’ll unlock the deal. This deal can be redeemed immediately or saved for later.

Repeat customers are the heart of any small business.It is mission critical to keep them happy,loyal and walking back through your door on a regular basis. What better way to guarantee their return than by rewarding them for each dollar they spend? Create a mobile loyalty program for your customers that shows them you value their business and encourages them to keep coming back.

  • 62% of customers report that they are more likely to continue doing business with a company that has a loyalty program.
  • 35% of people will drive out of their way to use a business whose loyalty program they’ve joined.
  • 82% of small business owners rely on customer loyalty as their main source of business growth and mobile apps are perfect for increasing customer loyalty!

Push Notificationsiphone-6-push-notes

3Unlimited push notifications allows you to send exclusive messages directly to your customers’ phones – they’ll never miss out on an event, special, or sale again.

Target customers based on their location or proximity to your business using our geo-fencing feature.

Use push notifications to increase customer interaction and retention.  You can fence off a specific area for your push notification, and when users enter that area, they’ll automatically receive the message on their device.


calendar-iconThe Reservation is a great option for restaurants. Using the built-in booking system, users can make reservations, and you can fill up your calendar without having to take calls or reply to emails non-stop.

By offering mobile reservations, you remove several obstacles-customers no longer have to spend time searching for phone numbers online, dialing, waiting for an answer, getting placed on hold, etc. these little delays may not be a big deal to everyone, but some people really are too busy to wait. Taking these obstacles out of their way gives you a distinct.

Tips Feature

You can Enable/Disable a built-in tip feature (10%, 15% & 20%) that lets your users automatically add a tip amount to their order.

Delivery Options

  • Radius: Only users with delivery addresses within this radius can successfully place orders.
  • Minimum: The minimum order total required for delivery.
  • Fee: The monetary value that will be added to delivery orders.
  • Free Delivery Amount: When this total is met, the delivery fee will automatically disappear.

Our designers will create a customized app that reflects your unique style.

Preview these sample apps…